WordPress template for creating websites. The idea was born in 2015 in cooperation with the Muffin Group. Our work resulted in a stable position in one of the world's top sales leaders on Envato Market. Keep it up!
Create a recognizable product which will discinct among the numerous competitors on the global Envato Market.
Designing a product that differs from the competition. Focusing marketing message on being the world's first template with a gallery of high quality, pre-built websites. Systematic weekly release of new content. Consistent brand development, without radical image changes.
Work done for Betheme
Identity systems, product design, 600+ website designs, strategy, advertisment design, iconography, CMS design, UI and UX

Logo designs
Few examples of Betheme's pre-built websites logo design

Graphic design
A selection of hero images and sliders

Web designs
Some examples of 600+ web designs created for BeTheme since 2016